Interested audience at the Vienna Science Days Prague

Vienna Science Days Prague 2024

15. - 16.5.2024

Vienna and Prague have been working together for a long time in numerous areas of local government. As part of this ongoing exchange, a two-day conference was held on May 15 and 16, 2024 in Prague's Palais Clam-Gallas on the occasion of the Vienna Science Days.

Experts from city administrations, municipal organizations and renowned universities from both metropolises met to discuss current urban development issues and various approaches to promoting innovation and sustainability in urban areas. 

The "Science Day" was not only about cooperation between research institutions and city administrations, but also about water management in cities. The "Vienna Day" was dedicated to typical municipal topics, namely electromobility and innovations in the cultural sector. Expert presentations and panel discussions took place on both days, with the second day ending with special thematic breakout sessions. 

The exchange of knowledge and know-how is of great importance for both universities and city administrations in order to improve the quality of life of their residents and secure it for the future. 








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