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Vienna days in Budapest 2019

2. - 4.7.2019

At the Vienna days in Budapest from June 2nd to 4th 2019 cutting-edge topics were featured – under the motto "smart cities for a sustainable future" experts of the two capitals discussed trending topics like climate protection, mobility, social urban regeneration and equal opportunities as well as Danube Region Strategy and integration but also smart solutions and regional cooperation.

At the event opening municipal council Marcus Schober and the vice mayor of Budapest Gábor Bagdy focused on the fact that the critical future issues are the same in all capitals – and that due to their good neighbourly relations Vienna and Budapest can – and will – give answers and find solutions together.

At the opening in the town hall park the citizens of Budapest could conduct the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra with the help of the "virtual conductor", a mobile version from the Haus der Musik. Additionally they were provided with an overview of upcoming activities of "WienBeethoven2020". On this hot summer evening fruit syrup drinks of "Staud's" were served as a refreshment. Whoever felt like browsing through books could make use of a public bookcase by borrowing books and depositing own ones.

Until March 2023, the International Offices of the City of Vienna were operating under the name Eurocomm-PR.




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Szandra Titanilla Fuchs
Head of Office
Boróka Lilla Pallagi
Public Relations and Media
Enikő Kovács
Public Relations and Media
